How to submit ESS Job and verify the status of the Job

Rohit Poonia
6 min readJul 9, 2024


I am using the scheduled integration style to build this integration for regular scheduling and ad hoc run of the ESS Job.

First step is to use the Assign to assign variable values, here we have created Job_Status_assignment variable with null value i.e. “” in integration.

In the next step I am using the ERP Cloud Adapter to trigger the ESS job I assume the audience to setup the ERP Cloud connection as a prerequisite for submitting the ESS Job in Fusion application.

In the Action step I choose Query, Create, Update or Delete Information

In the Operations section I choose Services in the Browse by field which provides multiple services to select out of many services I choose ErpintegrationService which has the option to submitESSJobRequest

Once we are done with ERP Cloud adapter wizard we move to the mapper section of ERP Cloud adapter, Where we have multiple options to provide the details of ESS Job which we want to submit in Fusion Application.

Before giving the details in the mapper section nodes, first we need to make the node target node by right clicking on the node.

Once we provide the information of ESS Job details, It would be similar to below mapping

We have to provide Job Package Name, Job Definition Name and Param List if any parameter is there.

These Information we can find in Fusion application Setup and Maintenance section under

Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions Job sets for Financial, Supply Chain Management and Related Applications

Here we have to search the Job which we want to Submit in our case we are submitting the AutoPost Journals ESS Job

We can give the Path in the Job Package Name, Name in Job Definition Name and Parameter details in Param list like below

Once we are done with mapping, We can submit the ESS Job but that is not enough for holistic implementation, we should be able to check the status of the Submitted ESS Job and take the appropriate action upon it.

To check the ESS job status, we use the while loop to check the status periodically until the job is completed in Fusion application.

In the condition section we give all the status of the Job that can be possible in Fusion application.

Once we are done with while loop condition then we check the status of the job by using ERP Cloud adapter with query, update delete information action with service and erpintergrationservice and choose the getESSJobStatus

In the mapper of getESSJobstatus we provide the request id(process id) by mapping the result of submit ESS job request response so that it can check the job status of that particular ESS job.

Once we have the status of the ESS Job, then we can assign the result of get ESS Job status and assign to the variable Job_Status_assignment

We have option of wait in Oracle Integration so that while loop does not loop unnecessary so I have given the 10 seconds wait for completing the ESS job in fusion and so that status of the application is changed from Running to Succussed, Warning or Error.

Once the ESS job status is one of Succussed, Warning or Error then while loop will stop and continue further processing.

I have used switch functionality where I am checking the final status of the ESS job and based on the status we can send notification to business or perform some action, In our case I am logging some details in Activity stream.

In below condition if ESS job is not successful then status would be not equal to SUCCEEDED in Error log we are giving custom error message.

In success scenario I am capturing the below details with some custom string concatenating with Job name and Process id of ESS Job.

Once we are completed with all the activity then our Integration would be look like below.

Post activating the Integration and running the Integration we can see the integration is completed in the monitoring section.

Below is the screenshot how Integration has traversed through while running

We can see the details of the job which we have submitted in Activity Stream

Below is the response we receive when we submit the ESS job in response we receive the Process id which was submitted in Fusion Application.

We can also validate the ESS Job in Fusion application as well by using the process id which we have receive in response of Submit ESS Job.

Below is the Screenshot of successful logger custom message that we have created with ESS job name along with process id.



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